Saturday, October 15, 2005

AudioBble - How to Prayer: Pray PDF?? What's that?

AudioBible hears new ways of praying all the time. And those who have been around computers for awhile know that PDF stands for Portable Document Format (hence: pdf file). However, when you see the abbriveation of PDF in the prayer focus for Faith Comes By Hearing, we are asking you to pray for: Protection, Direction and Favor for that person and or ministry.

Therefore, when we pray God's blessing, we say, "Father we ask you to bless Jerry and Annette with Your protection, direction and favor as they travel on this trip to Asia. Please assign Your holy angels around them to defend them from the schemes of the enemy. Protect them in their health and body. Lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from evil. Direct and lead them Lord in your path and way of righteousness. Grant them your thoughts in making decisions and guide their footsteps on this assignment. We ask that You will grant them Your favor with all those they will come in contact with. For them open the doors that need to be opened and shut those that need to be shut. Grant your favor of provision for every need as they travel and enter and exit each country. We ask for favor in the functioning of all equipment and rapport with all those who will work together on this recording. Keep their eyes focused on You. Deliver them from fear of any kind. You are at their right hand that they should not be moved, distracted or overcome in any way. Thank you granting blessing of Your grace now and forevermore, In Jesus Name."

The example you have read or prayed above for Jerry and Annette can be embroidered however God's Spirit would move you. As you come to our Faither in worship and adoration, make sure your heart is in right standing with Him. May your faith be strong and your conscience clean and clear, so that you may approach the Throne of Grace in confidence on behalf of the ministry of Faith Comes By Hearing.

Thank you, so much, for being an intrigal part of the prayer family!

NOW . . . pray for Morgan and Mari Jackson, the International Director and his dear wife - prayer partner, supporter and releaser into ministry travel and growing assignments. Pray for them as they adjust to being an empty-nester. For years Mari has been involved with hospitality of guests in their home from all over the world. Now is a bright new opportunity of ministry for Mari. Pray for clarity and conviction in hearing God's voice as He reveals her new role at FCBH. Further, ask the Lord to protect their relationship, lead them not into temptation and deliver them from the evil one. May their love for one another grow even deeper in this new season of serving their Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel unto the ends of the earth. Remember . . . pdf !