Saturday, February 04, 2006

Praise God ! . . . the Proclaimer is here !

  • Saturday, October 29, 2005

    Audio Bible at FCBH has been blessed with an Oil Well !

    AUDIO BIBLE - FCBH has been blessed with a gift of the profits from an oil well! The well is projected to earn as much as $700,000 a year if all goes right. The owners are asking that we all pray it is a gusher so the kingdom of God can be blessed. Pray for this well to explode in productivity!

    November 13th is a day of prayer for the persecuted church. Please join with all of us in prayer.

    Read and Think and Pray - Continentally - CLICK HERE with the World at your finger tips!

    Click here to learn more!

    AudioBible Visits as Jackson Families Travel and Minister Around the World!

    AudioBible Travel: Annette Jackson's trip to Hong Kong was rescheduled for October 28th where she will be for at least a month.

    Please pray for safe travel. Morgan and Mari Jackson go to Australia 10/27 where they will meet with the Bible Society. Please pray for their safety and God's will in the meetings.

    Early in Nov., Morgan, Mari and Troy Carl will be in NYC and Orlando in church and organizational meetings for FCBH. They appreciate and desire your prayers.

    Tom Jackson is leaving 11/16 for Hong Kong and Manilla. Please keep him in prayer also.

    Praise: Clay Jackson's and Mike Jayne's trip to Hong Kong was good and they thank you for your prayers. The Audio Children's Bible will be ready for production in early November. PTL!

    Read and Think and Pray - Continentally - CLICK HERE with the World at your finger tips!

    United bible Societies Open Doors . . .

    Please pray for our partnership with the United Bible Societies. They are our largest partners, and we are serving with them in over 60 countries.

    Pray for the Lord's blessing as they continue to provide God's Word to the world. They have a network of over 142 National Bible Societies, and in many countries they are responsible for over 80% of the Bibles distributed. The United Bible Societies and the American Bible Society were primarily responsible for opening the door to China. Pray for God's blessing on them.

    Campus Crusade For Christ/JESUS Film project near completion!

    We are nearing the completion of the Campus Crusade For Christ/JESUS Film project and the results are tremendous. For example, in Nigeria, the JESUS Film was shown 189 times and 173 FCBH groups, (called New Life Groups) were formed with 7925 listeners in these groups. After 6 months, 42 of these groups have become churches!

    Please pray for Campus Crusade For Christ/JESUS Film and for us as we seek God's will in how we should partner in the future. Those who have used the project in the field feel it is an answer to their prayers and are asking us to continue and expand the project. Please pray!

    Technology Makes Downloads of Bible Available Anywhere!

    Passalong Networks is a business led by Christian businessmen who are providing an internet service for downloading music legally. They have exclusive technology that stops pirating of music and other information.

    They are providing a website for FCBH where all of our language recordings will be available online so people anywhere in the world can download the Bible in their own language. This is a gift of over $250,000 and given sacrificially. The website will be available in the coming months. We have 71 languages ready.

    Please pray
    for Dave Jawarski, the President, and his team and for Scott Lewis who helped establish this partnership. Pray God's blessings on their business, for protection, and wisdom for this project.

    Sunday, October 16, 2005

    FCBH Prayer Concerns for December 2005

    FCBH Prayer Concerns for November 2005

    * For Morgan, he will be traveling to Austrailia to meet with Bible Societies and others connected with the Audio Bible ministry of FCBH. Pray for the resources for the trip, the ministry relationships and interviews with numerous people. Pray for Mari as she's here at home and works on other projects. Remember "pdf" for them both and their family.

    * Pray "PDF" for the new website and blog development at FCBH. We pray these sites will inform and mobilize hundreds of thousand of people into unified, feverent and pravailing prayer for all the poor and illiterate of the world to hear the Gospel in their own language!

    AudioBible Prayer Concerns for October 2005

    AudioBble ministry Faith Comes By Hearing celebrated a remarkable time of celebration this month of October 2005. The Harvest celebration was truly a time of worship and witness of what God is doing around the world through the Audio Bible ministry of FCBH.

    Those attending the 2 1/2 day celebration experienced first hand how the Audio Bible is recorded onsite and in the bush. The creativity and technical expertise of directors and sound engineers was both humorous and real as the audience participated in actual segments of the New Testament. The audience also experienced an in-bush setting where the Audio Bible was played just like it's done in African settings . . . with all the sounds, sights and smells.

    Each attendee came away very excited and appreciative of all the work that goes into the travel, coordinating, developing and recording new languages. The schedule the Lord has put before them is four new translation a week!! . . . during the next 10 years, as Audio Bible - FCBH move forward with the American Bible Society and their 200th Anniversity celebration in 2016 AD..

    Saturday, October 15, 2005

    AudioBble - How to Prayer: Pray PDF?? What's that?

    AudioBible hears new ways of praying all the time. And those who have been around computers for awhile know that PDF stands for Portable Document Format (hence: pdf file). However, when you see the abbriveation of PDF in the prayer focus for Faith Comes By Hearing, we are asking you to pray for: Protection, Direction and Favor for that person and or ministry.

    Therefore, when we pray God's blessing, we say, "Father we ask you to bless Jerry and Annette with Your protection, direction and favor as they travel on this trip to Asia. Please assign Your holy angels around them to defend them from the schemes of the enemy. Protect them in their health and body. Lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from evil. Direct and lead them Lord in your path and way of righteousness. Grant them your thoughts in making decisions and guide their footsteps on this assignment. We ask that You will grant them Your favor with all those they will come in contact with. For them open the doors that need to be opened and shut those that need to be shut. Grant your favor of provision for every need as they travel and enter and exit each country. We ask for favor in the functioning of all equipment and rapport with all those who will work together on this recording. Keep their eyes focused on You. Deliver them from fear of any kind. You are at their right hand that they should not be moved, distracted or overcome in any way. Thank you granting blessing of Your grace now and forevermore, In Jesus Name."

    The example you have read or prayed above for Jerry and Annette can be embroidered however God's Spirit would move you. As you come to our Faither in worship and adoration, make sure your heart is in right standing with Him. May your faith be strong and your conscience clean and clear, so that you may approach the Throne of Grace in confidence on behalf of the ministry of Faith Comes By Hearing.

    Thank you, so much, for being an intrigal part of the prayer family!

    NOW . . . pray for Morgan and Mari Jackson, the International Director and his dear wife - prayer partner, supporter and releaser into ministry travel and growing assignments. Pray for them as they adjust to being an empty-nester. For years Mari has been involved with hospitality of guests in their home from all over the world. Now is a bright new opportunity of ministry for Mari. Pray for clarity and conviction in hearing God's voice as He reveals her new role at FCBH. Further, ask the Lord to protect their relationship, lead them not into temptation and deliver them from the evil one. May their love for one another grow even deeper in this new season of serving their Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel unto the ends of the earth. Remember . . . pdf !